Thursday, January 17, 2013


Thank you, gracias, merci, ありがとう, danke, or 감사합니다. Every language has a word for "thank you." It's interesting that we all know this word, but we don't allow our vocal chords to form the words for us quite as often as we should. Of course, I include myself in this "we." I'm sending this thank you out into the cosmic void where it will resonate forever (or until the internet dies).

When I felt alone, there were people constantly reminding me that I wasn't really alone. When I told you how I felt, you didn't tell me I was letting Satan in, you told me you understood. When I needed to cry on your shoulder, you let me. When I needed a hug, you gave me one. You sent me a text saying you were thinking of me. You cried for me. You shared a church talk or an experience because you thought it might help. You told me crying was brave. When I complained, you helped me think more positively. You let me stay at your house when I needed a change of scenery.

It's not easy to admit that I've got problems that I don't exactly have control over, but I just wanted to say thanks to the people who were there for me and still are.I appreciate you more than you could possibly know. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm a lucky girl, or as someone wiser than me once said, "There is no such thing as luck, only blessings."

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