Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stop Pretending

So without being too dramatic or anything, I just need to get some things out.

I have this issue where I pretend everything is fine, I'm fine, what happened was fine, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal, I'm strong. Really, inside, I'm hurt, angry, confused, or otherwise feeling an uncomfortable emotion. I don't tell people how I really feel for more than one reason, but the biggest one is that I don't want them to hurt or  feel bad. Today, my friend gave me some words of wisdom. He said that I should stop babysitting everyone's feelings and stop taking on the consequences of other peoples mistakes they should take on instead. I realized that he is so right. I suffer with unsaid words and unexpressed emotions. Anyone else in my situation would have said how they felt without hesitation. Why do I hesitate? Who am I protecting? I've made a new goal. If someone hurts me, I'm not going to pretend to be strong, like it's just fine. I'm going to stand up for myself. No one is going to walk all over me and my emotions anymore. I can be strong, but not the way I was pretending to be. It's not okay, I'm not fine, it's not fine, it is a big deal, and I am strong, that's why you're hearing about it.

I'm going to stop pretending.

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