Friday, November 5, 2010

The Prize at the Bottom of the Box

Remember when you were little and your mom bought those cereal boxes that have prizes in them? I sure remember the fights that ensued as to who would get the prize. i.e. "You got it last time!" "I haven't had one in forever!" "I really wanted that prize!" I especially loved the prizes hidden inside the cereal bag. You would be poring your cereal and all the sudden, there was a prize in your bowl. Who ever thought of doing that was a GENIUS.  I wish I was rich so I could only buy cereals with prizes in them. Sigh. Unfortunately, being in college means being poor. It also means you don't go through a box of cereal as fast as you did when you were living at home. Every so often, I think I will splurge for a good prize. It would be worth it, after all. Why does everyone have to grow up and become boring. You are NEVER too old to get a prize in a cereal box. Never.

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